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Social Selling
August 26, 2022

The Power Of Storytelling While Done Easy And Sexy


Delve into this episode's shownotes for
expert insights, actionable strategies,
and game-changing inspiration.

10 Episode Takeaways

  • The speaker emphasizes the importance of using relatable and identifiable characters in customer success stories to create a connection with the audience.
  • Choosing the right story for the prospect, considering their industry and job title, is crucial.
  • The speaker got into storytelling through dance school and theater, despite initially being reluctant.
  • Sharing personal stories and experiences can be a game changer in sales, helping build connections with clients.
  • The key is to identify the underlying problem that the ideal client is facing and consistently wrap stories around that problem.
  • The speaker suggests a 10-day video challenge to help sellers improve their storytelling skills.
  • The PSA method (point, story, audience, impact) is recommended for sharing stories effectively.
  • Reasons people may be hesitant to use storytelling in sales include the belief that it's an innate skill and skepticism towards its effectiveness.
  • Resilience and concise communication are important in sales, particularly in the current economic climate.
  • Looking into the camera during virtual meetings helps maintain engagement and credibility.

Episode Recap

In this podcast episode, Collin interviews Ravi Rajani, an expert in helping sales teams transition from feature selling to storytelling. The episode emphasizes the importance of storytelling in sales and how it can increase average contract value, reduce sales cycles, and build long-term relationships. Ravi discusses the difference between case studies and customer success stories, highlighting the need for relatable characters to create a connection with the audience. They also discuss the importance of sharing personal stories in sales, improving storytelling skills, and selling virtually with conviction. The episode provides tips for looking into the camera during video calls, crafting personalized sales stories, and building connections through storytelling. Overall, the episode offers valuable insights and practical advice for sales professionals looking to enhance their storytelling skills and improve their sales effectiveness.

One key takeaway from this episode is the importance of using relatable and identifiable characters in customer success stories to create a connection with the audience. Ravi emphasizes the need to choose the right story for the prospect, considering their industry and job title. Another takeaway is the significance of sharing personal stories in sales. Despite initial hesitation due to fear of rejection or judgment, sharing personal stories can be a game changer and help build connections with clients. The episode also provides practical tips for improving storytelling skills, such as participating in a 10-day video challenge and using the PSA method (point, story, audience, impact) for sharing stories. Additionally, the episode highlights the importance of resilience and concise communication in sales, particularly in the current economic climate, and provides tips for selling virtually with conviction.

Jump to Talking Points

  • [00:02:00] interview with Ravi Rajani on storytelling in selling
  • [00:05:23] misalignment with personal values and the importance of authentic storytelling in sales
  • [00:08:13] importance of sharing personal stories in sales
  • [00:10:42] importance of personalized sales stories
  • [00:13:34] importance of using customer success stories
  • [00:18:35] improving storytelling skills for sellers
  • [00:21:08] tips for selling virtually with conviction
  • [00:23:58] tips for looking into the camera during video calls
  • [00:26:20] building connections through storytelling
  • [00:28:56] importance of asking the right questions and tailoring stories to different personality types
  • [00:31:46] storytelling and effective communication in sales

Guest Bio (Who is Ravi?)

Ravi Rajani is a renowned expert in helping sales teams transition from feature selling to storytelling. With a passion for empowering sales teams, Ravi has dedicated his career to helping them increase their ACV, reduce their sales cycle, and win relationships for life through the power of storytelling. His expertise and achievements in this field have made him a sought-after speaker and consultant in the sales industry. Ravi's philosophy revolves around the belief that storytelling is the key to effective sales, enabling sales teams to connect with their customers on a deeper level and create lasting relationships. Through his innovative approach, Ravi has revolutionized the way sales teams approach their craft, inspiring them to ditch traditional feature selling and embrace the power of storytelling.

Find Ravi at his Website or Connect with him on LinkedIn!